Monday 23 March 2020

Pressing forward - Mission Week 74

Hey yall we are still alive here in the WKM. We have 13 people that are going home early for health reasons and a few that will be going home at 21 months. Its super sad we gave rides to people this morning to the mission home so I got to say bye to E. Cogswell and E McBride. Its super sad but the work still goes on! We arent allowed to tract anymore but we can still have lessons if they are set appointments. 

We had some good lessons with Kody the man we found last week. He has had good experiences in the past with the BoM but the past missionaries pushed baptism on him really hard so he shyed away after that. Hes progressing pretty well! 

We have continued to meet with a ton of members. This ward is really awesome! There are a bunch of really missionary minded people. 

We had a lesson with Lettie this week. She is super sweet, she loves the church a lot but has never been baptized since her husband is pretty antagonistic. But we had an ok lesson with them. Her husband is pretty hard hearted but I think there is still a chance. Miracles are real!! 

It's super sad to hear about all the missionaries that are going home early but God has a plan! Things will work out. 

Los quiero 

Elder Thompson 

1. Elder Averett and I
2. Elder Averett carrying a bunch o stuff
3. Us, the APs, and our district leader and his companion getting sushi 

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