Monday 18 November 2019

Mission Week 56

Buenos Días familia y amigos, me alegro de que pueda escribir este correo hoy y decirles un poco de mi semana.

This week was kinda slow, there were some frustrating things that happened but it wasn't a terrible week. Earlier in the week we had some plans to travel around the mission to look at some missionary phones but after driving an hour we found out that they canceled the meeting and didn't tell us... Pretty much wasted our entire afternoon. 

On Tuesday we had a cool training from the mission president about Light the World!! It's gonna be super awesome, the Church has made a lot of amazing plans to get people excited about Christ this December. I can't remember if I mentioned "The Christ Child" earlier but it is a 18 minute long video that comes out on the 24th. It is definitely the best video I have ever seen!! Super good stuff. Right now you can go to and sign up for the texts! It will send you a text every day in December of things you can do to light the world. 

We also had a super awesome lesson with Alfonso, we found him last week and we visited him one more time this last Tuesday. He opened up to us and told us about his family and how much he loves them. He said he had a special connection with his Dad and how he misses him a lot so we asked him "How would you feel if you could see your Dad again?" He said that would be amazing and so we invited him to read the BoM to find out some answers. We haven't been able to catch him since then but we have high hopes. 

Friday we got invited to a members house and also a recently returned Elder was there too! We ate a ton of good stuff and it ended up being really good. The member told us later that it really helped this RM because he had come home early for health reasons and was having a really rough time about it but she said it cheered him up a bit. 

Saturday morning was really good we actually were able to contact a lot of people. We met like 3 new people that hopefully we can start teaching soon. We have recently been dropped by nearly everyone in our teaching pool... Tom and Grace kinda "soft dropped" us for a few weeks too. They said their schedule is just getting crazy so we aren't going to have lessons for like 2 weeks or something...Super sad, but we are trying to keep going with high faith. 

That was pretty much it for this week, nothing too exciting but overall not too bad. I'm still loving being a missionary and I'm glad I can have this time to serve the Lord. I hope ya'll are well! 

Los quiero! 

Elder Thompson 


1. Comida Pic: Entomatada
2. A picture I never sent with us and Valentina (Back when it was warm haha) 
3. All the Kennewick Spanish Elders, Hna Valdivia, and Elder Eastham 

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