Monday 11 November 2019

Mission Week 55 - A trainee in the house

Buenas tardes a todos! 

Esta semana fue genial!

We had transfers this week so we did the classic train the new missionaries thing. This group is a super awesome one! Definitely a good future for the mission. On Tuesday we took out elder Williams from Snowflake Arizona and sadly everything we had planned fell through. Buuut we visited our branch mission leader so he would at least be able to talk to a native speaker jaja. 

On Wednesday we were supposed to meet up with the new senior missionaries that were going to replace us but they didn't show up so we were kinda frustrated at first. We found out the next day that they aren't actually going to do be able to serve so the whole thing got called off. Soooo our transfer is normal now haha we were expecting it to be way weird but now it's not. We met E. Carr and he is being trained by E. Escandon which is super cool because I haven't been around a new missionary since I was trained. He is pretty sweet, from Provo UT and he has acted for Hale Center Theater for a few years. I'm pretty sure I saw him in newsies right before I left. 

Thursday night we contacted some people about getting some new computers for the mission office and so we went and got 5 computers. It was super funny cuz we were just tangled in cords and stuff like that and everyone in the office was commenting on how 'techy' we looked. It was good though, we spend a good amount of time wiping them and getting them set up for the office missionaries.

Friday and Saturday we got to work a lot which was cool. We met two new people to teach named Alfonso and Silvia and they asked a lot of the textbook ''questions of the soul''. We have another lesson with them tonght and we are super exited for that. 

We also had a lesson with Tom and Grace and they, as usual, fed us some super good food. During the week Tom sent us some articles that he had read and they were just straight anti (it was like super low quality anti tho it was all easy stuff) so we spent a long chunch of our lesson talking about that. Buuut it was overall pretty good and we committed them to read and pray every day since they only had been doing it occasionally. 

Today we had a cool miracle, a super awesome member, Sister Garcia from the Park Hills English ward here, paid for our groceries! I was about to drop like 60 bucks too and so it was a super bendición. 

Anyways thats pretty much it!! Los quiero, gracias por sus oraciones y  apoyo. Se que la iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los Últimos días es el reino de dios en la tierra. Mi testimonio ha sido fortalecido bastante en la misión. Yo sé que dios nos ama y nos conoce perfectamente. Agradezco la oportunidad ser Misionero y representar Jesucristo. 

- Elder Thompson


1. Some stickers I designed for the mission. (Mission logo & Wow missionaries is a training we have revived that president wanted turned into a little emblem)
2. Goofy Walmart picture
3. Mission T-shirts
4. "The Pattern" poster. It's another training we got on how to be a successful missionary and president wanted a poster to go in every missionary apartment.
5. Our mini computer lab at the office 

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