Monday 20 May 2019

Híjole, muchísimos milagros! - Mission Week 30

Buenos diaaaas! ¿¡Como estais!?

This is gonna be a fat email....

Apparently no one sends emails home anymore...I'll still do it though, this is basically a journal since I'm so bad at writing in my real journal. 

This was a pretty awesome and eventful week! We started the week out with finding a new person. Sandra is from Guatemala and she speaks Spanish and Mam! Don't know if I have mentioned the language Mam yet but it's a dialect from Guatemala that we run into a lot. There's a ton of different dialects that we find because the language changes by the village they were born in. The dialects that I've run into so far are Mam, Quiché, Gangoval, and Mixteco! What's cool about these languages is that the Book of Mormon is actually translated into Mam and Quiche. What's not so cool about it is, most of these people don't know how to read or write Mam haha. But the point of all this was to tell you that Sandra does read and write in Spanish and in Mam so we had an awesome lesson with her and gave her two copies of the Book of Mormon in each of her languages! She is coming to our English classes super regularly as well.

Next in the week we did some service at a local thrift store, helping to sort through donations which was interesting haha. People around here have a hard time de-cluttering.

Another person we found this week was a mom named Ruby! She's going through some rough stuff right now but she has had a ton of miracles. The sister missionaries promised her that she would find her stolen purse within a week, and she did! We met her a few days after on 'accident' and found out she had recently lost her car keys. We promised her she would find them and she did! A few other miracles later that I can't share, she asked us for a blessing and as soon as we gave the blessing she said her headache left and so did her anger towards the world. We've met with her a few times and now she is preparing for baptism in a few weeks!

On Saturday of this last week I felt like our tri-panionship had kinda been slacking the last few days so I took it upon myself to make sure we had a solid, full day of work. Through street contacting and tracting we ended up finding 5 new people on that day and a few really solid potential people. We met our weekly goals and ended the week on a super great note!

I honestly can't believe that it's transfer time already, it feels like just a week ago I was leaving Basin City haha. President came and visited out apartment to give Elder Webb his Missionary debit card and to see how he had been re-adjusting to missionary life. While he was here he gave us a little sneak peak of transfers. He told us that E. Webb is staying here and either me or E. Cogswell is leaving. That could change of course but that is most likely what happens. As of right now we haven't got the call quite yet.

Quick funny story, a person in Basin City that I knew just got baptized and it blew my mind. The whole time I was there everyone though she was a member! She even told me that she was a member. The Hermanas there did some good investigating apparently and so she got baptized this last week. I'm still shook though because like 80 people though she was a member.

Our ward mission leader has a tradition of 'Pancakes and Puzzles' every transfer so that was pretty great. All you can eat pancakes and a stupid puzzle. We figured it out after a while but it was annoying haha. 

OK we usually find out about transfers by 9 or 10 but we just baaarely found out at lunchtime. Looks like E. Webb and I are staying and E. Cogswell is going to Walla Walla. Crazy stuff but I'm excited to be here for longer, things are starting to pick up and be exciting in Herm-Town! I'll miss E. Cogswell, he has probably been my favorite companion up to this point, it will be nice to have only 4 people in our apartment instead of five tho haha.  

I think that's it for this week and I actually have pictures this time :) E. Webb has a nice camera and so I'm stealing some of his pics

Los amo! 

-Elder Thompson
Washington Kennewick Mission
8202 W. Quinault Ave, Ste D
Kennewick, WA 99336

Fotos (Since I have So many It's making me do it as a Google Drive link thing...Hopefully it works)
  1.   Most of our zone doing laundry in Umatilla
  2. Pic of me
  3. Silly Pic after a District Council
  4. E. Webb wanted to take pictures
  5. We spent forever making this map
  6. Us after a day of work at the Church
  7. x2
  8. A baptism we went to for E. Cogswell in Umatilla
  9. E. Cogswell Driving
  10. E. Skinner teaching us about the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse 
  11. E. Webb Asleep
  12. Picture post-pancake puzzle palooza 
  13. More District Pics
  14. x2

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