Monday 29 April 2019

Getting into it - Mission Week 27

Hola hola ¿como están?

I actually have some extra time to write today, funny story how that happened... Our apartment got a call at like 6:00am from the Hermanas that live in the same complex as us. Someone was banging on their door and shouting super loud. That woke us all up pretty fast when we heard that on the phone call haha. We rushed over there in our PJs and no one was there. We just missed them. This happens every so often apparently... there are a couple three creepy people round here.

Jump back to a week ago, on Pday we tried to find a boot shop so E. Cogswell could buy some boots and we also tried to find a tailor so I could fix my pants. We didn't find either of them sadly but it was good to see what stores are around.

This week was more finding, which in our case was just more tracting. 2.5 weeks later we are juuust getting started with some good work. I don't know if getting doubled-in to an area is normally like this, but the sisters before us left 0 people being taught and pretty much no info about anythibg else.

We had a bunch of return appointments this week, most of which fell through but we did get in a time or two. The best one was this young family, Eddy and Berta. We had set up to come by at 8 because that's when Eddy gets back from work. We had never even met him before but he invited us right in and asked if we wanted food. The answer to that question of course is always 'Yes' and we got some bomb frijole con arroz y pollo asado. They are super nice, we are excited to teach them.

We did some cleaning service for a lady the English elders are teaching. They have like 15 ducks so we got to mess around with them for a little bit. The boy in that family is like 13 but knows pretty much everything you could know about birds. He was super sweet and thankful for all the stuff we were doing for his mom. 

Yesterday we had a cool meeting about the new Spanish sacrament meeting that is starting soon. Currently we translate every meeting live and it's a pain. We found out that pretty much the entire month of May is going to be contacting members and inviting them to the Spanish meeting. We are pretty excited about it, especially because the Stake has identified some things that need to change for this congregation to last longer than a year. 

I'm still loving Hermiston, our apartment is super fun, we are all pretty good friends at this point. I'll try and take some better pictures this week! Also I just hit 6 months which is craaaazy.....and I turn 19 in less than a month. El tiempo vuela.... 

Love y'all! 

-Elder Thompson 


1. Apartment C6 Squad p-day car selfie 

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