Tuesday 18 February 2020

Enseñando familias - Mission Week 68

RIP I forgot to hit send last week...............

Buenos Dias mi gente que tal?

We had an awesome week here in good ol Prosser, WA. I'm seriously loving this area, God has blessed us so much and he is continuing to do so!

For Yadira the woman who has a baptismal date, nothing really happened :/ this weekend she got busy and couldnt make it to church or to a lesson. We just had a bunch of texting contact which is good but not ideal. 

We got in contact with a family that the Hermanas used to teach and they are super awesome!! Right now there are 2 boys and their mom, but we are going to start teaching the dad this week. They have loved us coming over and teaching them and we are very hopeful that they will continue to progress!

I can't remember if I've ever written about my man Serafin, but he's the best let me tell you :) Serafin was baptized a few years ago, then he moved and kinda fell away from regular church attendance. Then some missionaries in Prosser knocking some doors and they found him and were surprised to find out that he was a member!Since that day, Serafin has made a lot of progress in the gospel and he is a super awesome member missionary. His schedule allows him to come out with us to lessons any day after 2pm which is sooooo good for anyone who knows how hard it can be to get a member coordinated for lessons. We had a few visits with him this week trying to help him understand how to study the scriptures and how to work towards going to the temple. 

We had a district blitz this week and it was pretty fun! Basically a blitz is where the district/zone changes up the companionships and areas for a few hours of work. Sometimes you put all the missionaries in one area to just find as many people as possible. It was really fun even though we didn't meet our goal of how many people we wanted to find, we had a lot of cool little miracles happen. 

The Peñas are doing good. This week they have an apt with a lawyer to see if they will be able to get married so please pray that we will have a miracle!! 

One final milagro for the week, we got a referral for a "Super nice lady" (They didn't know her name haha) and we went yesterday to meet her. She let us in and we ended up teaching the whole family! They were kinda confused about a couple things we were talking about & about our purpose (at first they thought we were catholic) but we will try to keep working with em. 

Anyways, thanks for reading! As for me, I'm still doing well! I love being a missionary! I'm grateful for all the relationships I've built so far with missionaries, members, and non members. I hope you all have an awesome week! Remember to feed your soul with the scriptures :)))

- Elder Thompson 

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