Tuesday 17 September 2019

Lluvia - Mission Week 47

Buenos días!

This week started out with a service opportunity as a Spanish District. There is a member in the branch that has cancer and so her yard has needed some work done. We played volleyball in the morning then headed over to her house just as it started to Rain. It picked up quite a bit and soon enough we were soaked. We ended up being in the rain for like 3 hours or something so I'll send a super nice picture of us soaking. It ended up being pretty fun!

Another thing we did this week, we made a church tour video! It's up on my Facebook and we were pretty happy with how it turned out. Go take a look :)

We visited a less active family that lives about a 45 min drive away from our apartment. They were super cool! They live right in a vineyard and had some super cool views. I forgot to get pictures but, if we ever go back I'll snap a few. 

We had a brach activity where everyone brought a bunch of stuff they didn't want and then you could take other people's junk home. Kinda like a thrift store junk swap activity. It turned out well though, most of us just played soccer though.

We had a super awesome Lesson with 3 people we are teaching, Lel, Cristian, and Gina. We also had Ginas sister (who is a member) with us, her nephew (Less active member), and her niece (on a mission in Utah, she skyped in). It was a super powerful lesson and Gina told us she knows the Book of Mormon is true, she just wants an answer from God telling her to join the church. We invited them all to chuch and they said they would come! Sadly they didn't end up showing... not sure why but we will keep working with them.

We got to watch the Face to Face with Elder Soares and it was cool to see him speak Spanish and Portuguese! I could understand like 70% of the Portuguese which was super awesome. Overall it was a pretty good broadcast.

We also had a breakfast with the Loveridges a family that helps in the branch. Hno. Loveridge is a dentist so their house is maaaasive. He either said 18k or 80k sq/ft. I think it was probably 18...cuz it was big but not that big haha. We had some super good French toast then played bocce(?) ball, ladder golf, Frisbee golf, and pool in their backyard!

It was a pretty solid week! We also had interview with President and it sounds like elder Jones and I will probably stay here for next transfer so I'm pumped for that!

¡¡Los quiero!!

-Elder Thompson


1. Chicken Nugget Friday round 2 : 230 nugs
2. Service pics 

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