Tuesday 16 July 2019

Que creencia - Mission Week 38

Buenas Días! Que tal?

Pues, esta semana fue un poco difícil, me puse malito el martes y no podía trabajar mucho. No quería que mis personas que enseño se enojen de mi a causa de traer la gripa dentro de sus casas. Y porque no hay mal que por bien no venga, hicimos muchas cosas buenas en la officina que habíamos estado evitando.

Estoy escribiendo temprano de la mañana, y no se exactamente por que, pero me parece que mi cerebro le gusta más el español por la mañana. Pues, ni modo. Bamos a echar un intento de inglés.

Hey normally I'd re write that stuff in English but I forget that Google translate exists. It won't be perfect but you'll get the gist.

Like I said above, I was sick most of this week :/ we grinded out some office work we had been putting off. A bit ago Sister Rasmussen showed us a logo her son-in-law made for the mission. It was OK but it needed a couple changes so I re made it and showed it to them. They loved it and now it's officially the logo of the WKM! Eventually we are going to make T-shirts and things like that.

Update on that cool miracle from a few weeks ago, we had a lesson or two with that family we found from Walla Walla. Rosie (the mom) told us a little more about why they moved and it's a craaazy story. Her son got shot 2 times and one of the bullets nearly pierced all of his organs due to the angle of the shot. He was life-flighted in a jet to Seattle in 30 minutes and over the next 6 months had 18 surgeries. Doctors kept telling Rosie that each surgery there was a high chance that he might die, but miracle after miracle happened and he survived. They were planning on amputation for both of his legs. He lost 80% of the blood from his body so his legs had essentially died. Another miracle, and now he is walking. Also they would be like $2.5 mil down in bills but he qualified for a lot of financial help. Rosie told us all of this and a lot of prayers and wrestling with God that she had. Suuuuper crazy stuff.

We brought a member of the Obispado to a lesson with them and Miracle number 164235..... she knew him already! Apparently his wife and Rosie were good friends years ago in Spokane. It was a super awesome lesson and we made plans for her to return to church and for her daughter to get baptized! Aug 3 is what we are working towards.

The day I started prosyliting again, the first contact we had was with a cheap-grace Baptist lady so that was fun. Part of me doesn't like when people try and anti us, but usually what ends up happening is we correct some things they 'heard' or 'researched' about the Church. It's amazing how many people think we don't belive in Christ. Even more people think that we don't believe in his grace. The thing I took from this encounter was that I'm so grateful for 1. a living Prophet and 2. the book of mormon. This lady believes the Bible is the infallible, final word of God and that nothing else will ever come after it. 

I love the Bible, I love that many great things were preserved for hundreds of years. I also love that we have the Book of Mormon to clarify simple truths that were lost in the apostacy. God loves us today as much as he loved the people in the New Testament. He will always call a new Prophet to lead us and guide us. 

There are always people that try to tear down the Book of Mormon and prophets but they can't. You'd think if this whole thing were a hoax it would have been exposed by one of the thousands of people attacking the church over the past 200 years. It hasn't happened because it can't happen. The Book of Mormon is true! 

Sorry for getting preachy, expect for not really cuz that's literally my job :) Read the Book of Mormon and if you want to know if it is really true, pray and ask God. Study it out in your mind and in your heart. 

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! It's pretty nice weather here in Washington lately. Just hot enough to make me drink a toooon of water. 

Los amo a ustedes muchísimo!

- Elder Thompson


Here's the logo 

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