Starting last Tuesday we took Edgar to the Colombia river
temple for a tour. We usually couldn't do this just because our area is pretty
far from Tri-Cities but it was P-day so we were in town already. Normally we
would walk around the temple and have certain places to stop and talk about
things but the temple was closed! We had no idea that they might close it for new
years day so we just had to look at a distance. It ended up being a good
experience but didn't match our vision.
Wednesday we had an absolute miracle happen! Flash back to a
year ago, my companion Elder Barlow was being trained in his first area: Prosser,
WA. He and his trainer met this guy named Gerardo who was super great. Very
receptive and loved the Book of Mormon. Only problem, he randomly moved so they
lost contact with him. Back to Basin City and I'm planning who we are going to
go by. In our records I see someone named "Jerry" so we decided to
stop by his trailer. When Jerry opened the door he just says, "Hey!.... I
know you! Whats good man?" Elder Barlow was confused at first then he just
says, "Gerardo?" Turns out Jerry is the same Gerardo that Elder
Barlow met in his first area! We're super hopeful for him, hopefully we can
start teaching him soon.
Thursday I got to go to Connell for the day for exchanges
with Elder Wood! It was way fun and we had a great time walking around.
Yesterday I played piano in Church and that was pretty good. Surprisingly I've
had a lot of opportunities to practice and I've learned a few new hymns.
We're going to play some Glow-in-the-dark dodgeball for
sports today, It should be pretty fun!
I hope everyone had a good experience with the new Come
follow me this week. I think it will be really good for those that make time to
do it. In our Sunday school hour our discussion turned to how different people
were raised and the effect that had on their testimony. We came to the
conclusion that whatever way you were raised did not have to determine the
person you would become. However, It definitely has an amazing influence; good
or bad. Our investigator, Edgar had a good point. He said the most fertile soil
grows the best flowers but also the best weeds.
We are the ones who are in charge of our own learning and
the Church has provided an amazing resource for us. I have enjoyed it and I
hope that every one of you did as well, or if not, I hope you come to enjoy it!
Love you all, Thank you for all the support and love!
- Elder Thompson
Here's some pics of the Columbia River Temple in
my Mission in Richland, WA.
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