Saturday, 3 November 2018

Calmarse Diligentemente: MTC week 2

Buenos Dias familia y amigos!

Well, the rumors are true. After the first 4 days, time flies past so quickly, it's hard to remember everything that happened this week!

Most of my time this week has been spent on Language study. Espanol es una idioma muy bonita! A lot of people in my district are getting frustrated how they 'struggle' with Spanish, but we've only been here for 10 days now and everyone can pretty fluidly converse in Spanish. Most of the people here are too hard on themselves! I had to memorize Moroni 10: 3-5, The Missionary Purpose, The First Vision, and probably close to 2000 words and phrases. It's a lot of work, but I enjoy it quite a bit. Taking a break and playing some Volleyball helps to keep us focused :)

Speaking of my district, we are super close friends even in this short period of time. We pretty much do everything with the 10 of us. We have so many inside jokes and things, I thought I'd let y'all in on some :) The first one is we shout "Wo-eye-knee" at eachother all the time. One of the Elders in our district lived in China for a bit and that means "Love ya" in Chinese.  I'm not sure when it became a thing but we say it all the time. Another is Calmarse Diligentemente (The title of this email). A translation of this would say "Diligently Chill" or something along those lines. Our Branch President said that in a district meeting this week and we liked it so much we made it our "motto" of sorts. He said it to us because again, some people were being hard on themselves with how much of the language they new and he just said "You aren't expected to know the whole thing by the time you leave The MTC! Diligent study is required to learn the language, yes. You also need to Diligently CHILL. It's fine!" It was a pretty funny but also profound moment. 

We also had our first choir practices. We practiced and sang "Be still, my Soul" for a Tuesday night devotional. The choir director is pretty funny, he tells lots of stories from his mission/life. The assistant choir director is my Uncle Blair's dad! I recognized him from some family stuff we had before and on Tuesday I introduced myself as he asked me to say the opening prayer! Just a funny connection, it really is a small world. 

Some funny language mistakes this week from various missionaries in my district were, "Where is my body" instead of "where is my notebook",  "We want you" Instead of "We want to get to know you", "Canada is a woman" instead of "Canada is better." Never a dull moment in language class!

One of the coolest things this last week was on Sunday. Each Sunday all the missionaries have the opportunity to watch a "Sunday Movie" right before bed. The one they encourage all new missionaries to watch is called "The Character of Christ" It's a talk Elder Bednar gave to the MTC on Christmas Day a few years ago. People say it's a MTC Exclusive thing but If I were you I'd search everywhere for some bootleg version of this talk because it was amazing. Elder Bednar explained some amazing things about how one attribute about the Character of Christ is how he always tuns outward to serve others while our natural inclination is to turn inward and think about ourselves. He shared some heart-wrenching stories about some people that displayed the Character of Christ, and I wish I had the time to recount everything about that talk because it seriously was life changing.

Focus on turning outward and thinking of others first! Selflessness is hard but it is so rewarding to serve others. The Savior was the perfect example of that and we need to identify and take upon us the Character of Christ. 

Los amo a todos! 

Elder Thompson

1. Our district's makeshift dinner when the Dinner line was an hour long (Mostly provided by Hermana Arnold's suitcase of food and other people Halloween treats)
2.This is Elder Gato, the MTC cat
3. The Elders of our District
4. Everyone in our district
5. The hour long line for Pizza Night
6. My companion and our Substitute Lang. Teacher


(Additional info to the family this week)

It really does feel like I've been gone longer than 10 days, mostly just because everyone in our district are super close friends at this point. We have soooo many inside jokes and stuff. Elder Freeman does so much funny stuff, I'll tell you guys one thing that I didn't put in my big email. 

For Espanol practice we're supposed to speak it as much as possible, of course. When we do need to use English we're supposed to ask permission with something like, "Mi permite hablar ingles?". One morning we were super tired and just deliriously getting ready and from the corner of the room we hear in a weird voice "Mi permite..... FART" the 3 of us just yell, "NO NO NO NO" then it happened. I don't know if that will be funny to you guys or not but it was so hilarious in the moment!

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